In April 2009, Pete Date of Milky Wimpshake played the played the “Phoning It In” radio show, broadcast on KDVS 90.3 FM in Davis, California, and on the Internet.The 27-minute show includes interviews, some old songs, and some new ones. All and all, an entertaining half hour. Here’s the track lists, with approximate starts, interview bits in italics:
0:00 – Intro,checking in, new album
2:34 – Eyeball to Eyeball
5:10 – Thursday
7:58 – Touring, family as song topic, love songs after relationship success
10:59 – Cherry Pop
13:13 – I Don’t Want to Take a Chance
15:42 – Red Monkey R.I.P/Chronicity, other projects
19:10 – Willow Rose
20:30 – A children’s album
22:14 – Alice Nebulae
25:00 – I Love You, You Weirdo
lyrics etc.