Betrayed By Folk

File this under Wimpshakesque: Pete Dale, playing with an illustrious backing band called the Beta Males released in February 2006 Betrayed By Folk. This protest record covers Hurricane Katrina, I.D. cards, Live 8, and dubious installations in the north of England, with positive nods to folk and R&B heroes and their contributions. There’s lots against work and a bit on the intricacies of punk parenthood, e.g., the problems of entertaining a child while being interrogated by the police.



Why I'm a Terrorist


Menwith Hill

St. Bob?!

One More Parade

When the Morning Comes

Music Rules

Money (What's What I Hate)

Meat-Eating Hippies

Talking Newcastle Nuclear Nightmare

Two Chord Trick

The Return of the Repressed

Ballad of the New Orleans Flood

Betrayed by Folk

McCarthy in 2005