Bus Route to Your Heart

In mid 1997, Milky Wimpshake broke new ground with its first CD, Bus Route to Your Heart. Doubling the recorded MW corpus, the album acknowledged influences, redid some earlier tunes and had plenty of new tracks. The production values and guitar driven songs mark this as a turn toward the power pop, pulled off with aplomb. Still, the humble self-reflection and clever rhymes (“Queens/refried beans/Lebanese”) of early Wimpshake are not gone. Also, bilingual action!


lyrics etc.

I wanna be seen in public with you

'77 punk rock boy

I love you, you weirdo

Electric Shock

It might sound dramatic

Bar Code Punk

Palm of my hand

Mon Couer Bat Plus Rapidement que la Techno

Noam Chomsky versus the Ramones

Ex Boyfriend

Nightclub Voyeur Cliche

Bedroom Love Song

Golgo 13

Late Expectations

Phone Bill Fear

Blow out at 80 miles per hour